Job can be assigned to BES  from "Backend queue" view. To get there, authorized user need to click on "backend queue" tab in the job table:

The backend queue planning page has time span selector, provider selector, checkbox for toggling new jobs window, window of new jobs and scheduling grid.

The scheduling grid has a row of available backend processors (BES) and columns of jobs, separated by dates. Each cell of the grid represents a job. It shows job id, gent name, type of the job. Compexity of the job can be accessed by a number photos uploaded, shown on the right. If job resides inside a certain date, it means it has to be completed at this date.

Jobs are prioritized. The jobs on the top should be completed before jobs below them. Completed jobs have gray background.

In order to assign job to BES, Production Manager has to drag job id from "new jobs" onto scheduling grid to the column of BES on the specified day. Priority can be adjusted by dragging jobs within the date or even between PPS,

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